Buyers have not lost their minds with unconditional offers

Friday May 14th, 2021


There have been a lot of articles in the news lately about blind bidding wars and bidding wars in general. Heck, the Toronto Regional Real Estate Board even felt obliged to issue a statement to its members about it: It's topical because through the first 4 months of this year, 69% of freehold (lowrise houses) sales were "sold over asking." So bidding wars are the standard this year (and these rates are even higher in the 905 currently). One of the things that these... [read more]

12 Risks of buying pre-construction condos

Friday May 17th, 2019


This post has been "on my list" for a long time. I've had a few clients ask me recently about pre-construction and the first thing I tell them is they need to be aware of the risks. Today I want to lay out a dozen of those risks for you. I've written this point with condominium apartments in mind, but most of the points apply to condo townhouses as well as pre-con freehold houses too. Photo source: 1) Cancellation This is the risk the condo you... [read more]

Pre-construction condo fees - grossly understated?

Friday Nov 24th, 2017


I was in a recent Toronto Star article on buying pre-construction condos, and I've been sitting on this data for a long time and meaning to write a post about it. Here's that post, on condo fees being higher in reality than were  advertised to you when they sold you your unit. photo by JasonParis, Creative Commons license How prevalent is underestimation by developers? First a bit about what these numbers are based on. I was provided with a... [read more]



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